Foreign-language DTP


Need a perfect layout in every language?


No problem. We can create your manuals, folders, brochures, packaging in all the languages you need based on your templates or produce a completely new design in line with your CI.


We can provide translation and design from a single source - so you can be sure everything is in the right place and all special characters and fonts are correctly displayed. It is a real pain when the captions for pictures get moved around and an antenna socket suddenly turns into a USB socket - and nobody notices it except the end consumer.


We work with all standard DTP programs, including InDesign, FrameMaker, Illustrator, Corel, etc.


We work quickly and accurately at a fraction of the costs that a graphic design agency would demand. Thorough layout checks guarantee optimum results in all languages and formats.





The benefits for you:

  • perfectly designed documents at low prices
  • we can guarantee that all languages are correctly laid out
  • even exotic languages and special characters are displayed 100 % correctly
  • you get everything quickly from a single source and thus minimise your workload
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